I have table with 5 simple fields. Total rows in table is cca 250.
When I use PHPmyAdmin with one DELETE query it is processed in 0.05 sec. (always).
Problem is that my PHP application (PDO connection) processing same query between other queries and this query is extremely slow (cca 10 sec.). And another SELECT query on table with 5 rows too (cca 1 sec.). It happened only sometimes! Other queries (cca 100) are always OK with normal time response.
What problem should be or how to find what is the problem?
CREATE TABLE `list_ip` (
`type` CHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`address` CHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`description` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000-01-01 00:00:00',
INDEX `address` (`address`),
INDEX `type` (`type`),
INDEX `datetime` (`datetime`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB;
DELETE FROM list_ip WHERE address='' AND type='INT' AND datetime<='2017-12-06 08:04:30';
As I said before table has only 250 rows. Size of table is 96Kib. I tested also with empty table and its slow too.
There was some network problem. I uninstalled docker app with some network peripherals and looks much beter.