I have managed to convert my daily data to weekly data by looking at a previous answer, but I am setting date as the index. My goal is to keep 'Symbol' as the index and include 'Date' as a column.
I tried including 'Date' in the dictionary and Symbol as the index, but it is resulting in an error that the index needs to be Datetime.
This is my code:
if ( data_duration == 'w' ):
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
def take_first(array_like):
return array_like[0]
def take_last(array_like):
return array_like[-1]
output = df.resample('W', # Weekly resample
how={'Open': take_first,
'High': 'max',
'Low': 'min',
'Close': take_last,
'Volume': 'sum'},
loffset=pd.offsets.timedelta(days=-6)) # to put the labels to Monday
df = output[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']]
But I want to retain my index as 'Symbol', like it is in the daily data, while including date in 'Output'.
This is how the daily data looks like:
Date Close High Low Open Volume
AAPL 2017-05-25 153.87 154.3500 153.0300 153.7300 19235598
AAPL 2017-05-26 153.61 154.2400 153.3100 154.0000 21927637
However, after the weekly formatting, everything remains the same, apart from 'Symbol'. How can I fix this?
You want unstack()
: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.unstack.html
It will move one of the index levels to be a column in the DataFrame. Something like this: