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How to create flat terrain geotiff for area of interest

My goal is to create own assets for Cesium Ion ( in certain areas. Thus, I am looking for a way to create .tiff files, that contain flat terrain data information for certain areas of interest (my case: flat airport environments).

QGIS looks like possible solution to me, but I am struggling a bit with the DEM. Here is what I got so far (outline of airport over google maps):

enter image description here

Now, I try to "fill" this outline with a constant/flat terrain. Given one lat/lon/alt information in the outlined region, how can I create a DEM in .tiff format?

Thank you very much for any hints and tips!


  • With the tool "rasterize" you could create a raster tif from a vectoriel layer (Raster-->Conversion-->Rasterize).