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VB6 connecting to MySQL5.7.16 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I compiled my VB.exe program on a PC and run it on a Window Server 2012R2 server as I can't install VB6 at the server.

I can't establish the following connection.

sDatabase = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver};"
sDatabase = sDatabase & "Server=;Port=3307;UID=root;Password=Pass;Database=Database;OPTION=3;"

Set gConn = New ADODB.Connection
gConn.Open sDatabase

I got the following error


I am sure that all the parameters are correct because I have another ASP Classic webpage that connects to MySQL successfully.

I don't know where to start debugging. Is it got to do with the following?



  • The answer is in your last screenshot, look at the title of the ODBC dialog. It states (64-bit). Use this one to access the 32-Bit version of ODBC:


    And look here for details: