In my Angular 5 application I've been running locally via ng serve
and everything is working perfect. So then I did ng build -prod
and uploaded the dist folder to my webserver.
The main page opens up and displays properly, but any of the routes that I try to go to result in a 404 error. I have no idea how to debug/fix this.
So first thing first, as discussed above you'll want to be sure to use the [routerLink]
directive for your routing inside of the app. Using href
s basically is telling your browser to navigate to a new route, and as a result will make a request to the server for the page and render out that new content (which is the reason why you're getting the 404
, that route doesn't exist on the server, it's just being interpreted by your Angular application).
The [routerLink]
directive effectively updates the route inside of the application while updating the navigation history of the browser without actually fetching a new page. Older applications actually use a hashbang
strategy while we're discussing a push state
strategy... (Both discussed here if you're interested in learning more)
Either way, like @Ritwick mentioned. At this point you'll want to redirect all server requests to your index.html
that way if a user navigates to a route from outside of the application you can handle that. Just as some sample snippets you can do this redirection of routes if you're using NGINX
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
Or if you're using something like Firebase you can update your firebase.json
like so...
"hosting": {
"public": "dist", // if your app is in a subfolder of the dist, include that
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"