Like if any client tries to access my web service more than 100 times in a minute it should throw an error message or block the client.
I searched this question and got a link [][1]
But I could not get the thing properly. I want to set maximum server acces frequency. If things are not clear please do ask and help me out.
Thanks in advance :)
In similar circumstances, I used the following technique:
Each time a user access the service, log this with a timestamp
When a user accesses the service, check to see if they have more than X number of log entries in the last X minutes
If no, allow the request
If yes, disallow the request (perhaps with a warning why)
Cron job to clear the table used for logging of all entries more than X minutes old ('cos we don't care about old ones)
If you're not passing some sort of user token with the requests, maybe use the IP.