I have a nested json data file. I need to write to Parquet with specific numeric data types. So need to control some fields being Integer, some being Long etc. I can cast the columns, but cannot write them back to the nested location. The data must be in the nested structure.
Here is what I tried:
CREATE TABLE cdg.`test2.parquet` AS SELECT CAST(t.l1.l2.id AS INTEGER) l1.l2.id FROM cdg.`data.json` t;
The error I get is Error: PARSE ERROR: Encountered "."
on the path after the closing bracket of the CAST statement.
AS INTEGER) l1.l2.id FROM c
Analysis #1: If I do not put in that nested field it writes the expression result out fine:
| EXPR$0 |
| 22222 |
| 22222 |
| 22222 |
| 22222 |
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
This error is complaining that you cannot specify a field name l1.l2.id as alias to the cast expression. Alias should be a top level field.
Alias can be provided to a column with as or without using 'as' keyword (implicitly parser assumes as)
So for example if you want to name a the resultant expression of the cast expression aId then the following Sql statement can be used.
CREATE TABLE cdg.test2.parquet
AS SELECT CAST(t.l1.l2.id AS INTEGER) as Id FROM cdg.data.json
Hope this helps.