I have one application which I am able to automate using the pyautogui module. I am keeping the reference image in the script directory, and after some sleep time, I am able to complete it. In some builds, the specific image takes a while to appear. After which my script throws attribute not found error
I need to know how to control pyautogui to wait until the image appears on-screen and, after that, proceed for the next execution.
I have searched many stack overflow questions where I found wait_until() in the pywinauto module where a script waits for specific window. In the same way, do we have anything for pyautogui to wait for a specific image to appear on-screen?
Python version used: 3.6.
This will wait until it finds the image:
icon_to_click = "Recycle Bin"
r = None
while r is None:
r = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('rb.png', grayscale = True)
print icon_to_click + ' now loaded'