I'm trying to play around with Sourcery to extend some library. I almost succeeded, but at some point I have a type, returned from a func and it is an optional. I want to make it non-optional instead. For this, I have to some how remove the question mark, but it seems to me language doesn't support it. My script is below if it can help somehow:
{% for type in types.structs %}
{% if type.name == "_R" %}
{% for innerType in type.containedTypes %}
{% if innerType.name == "_R.nib" %}
{% for nib in innerType.containedTypes %}
extension {{ nib.name }} {
{% for method in nib.methods %}
{% if method.selectorName == "firstView(owner:options:)" %}
func firstView(owner ownerOrNil: AnyObject?, options optionsOrNil: [NSObject : AnyObject]? = nil) ->
{{ method.returnTypeName }}
return instantiate(withOwner: ownerOrNil, options: optionsOrNil)[0] as? {{ method.returnTypeName }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
At this place {{ method.returnTypeName }}
I have all the return types optional. I want to remove question mark. Is it possible?
Solved the issue using .unwrappedTypeName
where I want to remove ?