I have config file: conf/local.conf
I run next command for it:
git update-index --assume-unchanged local.conf
and it is OK until I switch to another branch or pull.
How to preserve --assume-unchanged
flag between branches?
Some examples what is coming on:
$ git checkout 296-ToS-component
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
$ git checkout -f 296-ToS-component
error: Entry 'conf/local.conf' not uptodate. Cannot merge.
I want it works as next:
Don't use --assume-unchanged
that should be used for performance problem for big files not changing and that are costly to hash when doing a git status
What you want is --skip-worktree
that do nearly the same things but to handle files that you changed but don't want to commit.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/13631525/717372
And it will probably (not sure, but hey!, that's what you must do...) fix your problem...