I have API which gives data partialy (by pages). I get page count on first request.
On client I need to concat pages in one Observable. Trying something like this:
all$: Observable<Service[]>;
iterator$ = new BehaviorSubject(1);
constructor(public http: HttpClient) {
this.all$ = this.iterator$.pipe(
concatMap(page => http.get<Service[]>('/service', {params: {page: page.toString()}}).pipe(
tap(() => (ifNotLastPage) ? this.iterator$.next(++page) : null),
and get only last page
Finnaly I got:
all$: Observable<Service[]>;
constructor(public http: HttpClient) {
this.all$ = this.getData().pipe(
expand(result => {
const next = getNextPageNumber(result);
return (next) ? this.getData(next) : empty();
map(result => result.body),
getData(page = 1): Observable<HttpResponse<Config>> {
return this.http.get<Config>('/service', { observe: 'response', params: { page: page.toString() } });
Thanx to @martin and this article RxJS: Understanding Expand