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Cannot save PDF to a folder on server using FPDF

I have successfully created a PDF document using FPDF but cannot get it to save to a folder on the server. I am able to output the PDF document to the browser.

I have also allowed permission to write to this folder 'fullSizeA4PdfPage':


My PHP code:


$pdf = new FPDF('P','pt','A4');
$pdf -> Image($pathToImage, $centreX, $centreY, $imageWidth, $imageHeight);

// SAVE A4PDF FILE TO LOCAL DIR ('/fullSizeA4PdfPage')
$nameA4PDF = 'A4PdfPage.pdf';
$A4PDFPageFolder = 'fullSizeA4PdfPage';
$localPathA4PFD = $A4PDFPageFolder.'/'.$nameA4PDF;
$pdf -> Output('F', $localPathA4PFD);  // LINE 80 I have also tried $pdf -> Output($localPathA4PFD, 'F' );

I am getting the following error from the browser:

Warning: file_put_contents(fullSizeA4PdfPage/A4PdfPage.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/labbook_aws/lab_server/fpdf181/fpdf.php on line 1021


  • With permissions of


    processes running under a user who is not the same or in the same group as the owner cannot access the content of the directory (note the missing last x). So try permissions of 777 instead of 776 if your script runs under a different user than the owner of the directory.

    See also this question for a discussion of the meaning of the x bit. It seems that even though rw should be sufficient to read and write files in a directory, without the x the meta data of the files cannot be read, so some functions may not be able to open the file at all.