I'm trying to make a request to the PDFTables API, and save what is returned (an xml doc) in a new file. I have this code:
result = RestClient.post "https://pdftables.com/api?key=nn123450hsn", :myfile => File.new("./lib/assets/PeterValleyHexacoResults.pdf", "rb")
File.open('./lib/assets/test.xml', "w") do |f|
f.puts result
When I view the newly saved file, it looks like a bunch of random symbols and characters in the editor. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.
You are getting the result in XLSX format. You need to specify XML in your request:
result = RestClient.post "https://pdftables.com/api?key=nn123450hsn&format=xml", :myfile => File.new("./lib/assets/PeterValleyHexacoResults.pdf", "rb")