I'm using app center push notification and I'm sending http post request to send push with the api of appcenter push. when I send push notification with this payload
"notification_content" : {
"name" : "First Push From App Center",
"title" : "Push From App Center",
"body" : "Welcome!",
"custom_data" : {"key1" : "val1", "key2" : "val2"}
"notification_target" : {
"type" : "audiences_target",
"audiences" : ["a-1", "a-2"]
I get the notification in my phone but only with title and body and I don't see the name "First Push From App Center"
The name of the notification is not pushed to devices, it's only a name for you to remember what notifications you created when you list them. Name will for example appear in the portal when you list all push notifications you created.