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Autolayout with stackViews inside a UIPageViewContoller Inside a Container View?

I’ve been struggling with this for a few days now…I can’t figure out how to correctly layout these constraints…. the bottom container view on the left is a UIPageViewController that loads the VC on the right…. that VC has a background view and 2 stackViews inside it… any ideas on how best to layout? I've tried constraining the leading and top of the background view to the safe area, then the same of the stackview (containing other stackviews) to the background view, but no matter what the stackviews display over each other? enter image description here


  • The problem wasn't with auto-layout or my constraints, I was simply trying to fit too big of a view (the graph) inside it's superviews...when I shrunk the size of the graph, the existing constraints laid out the views perfectly.

    To anyone else facing a similar issue however, Honey's comment is good advice, generally you should add the furthest "back" view first, add it's constraints, test to make sure it's correct, then repeat on each subview you add, as opposed to dragging all your views, then constraining them. The former is always the better approach. 👍