Search code examples

JOIN ON SQL syntax

I am taking my first database class and need some info on what I need to change for my script to process. Currently I have 2 tables, an "orders" table and a "customers" table and this is how they are coded.

CREATE TABLE customers (
  customer_id           INT          ,
  customer_first_name   VARCHAR(20),
  customer_last_name    VARCHAR(20)     NOT NULL,
  customer_address      VARCHAR(50)    NOT NULL,
  customer_city         VARCHAR(20)     NOT NULL,
  customer_state        CHAR(2)         NOT NULL,
  customer_zip          CHAR(5)     NOT NULL,
  customer_phone        CHAR(10)     NOT NULL,
  customer_fax          CHAR(10),
  CONSTRAINT customers_pk 
    PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)

  order_id          INT         NOT NULL,
  customer_id       INT         NOT NULL,
  order_date        DATE        NOT NULL,
  shipped_date      DATE,
  employee_id       INT,
  CONSTRAINT orders_pk
    PRIMARY KEY (order_id),
  CONSTRAINT orders_fk_customers
    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id),
  CONSTRAINT orders_fk_employees
    FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees (employee_id)

My script to join these two tables together is as follows:

SELECT or.order_id, or.order_date, or.customer_city,
    cu.customer_first_name, cu.customer_last_name
  FROM orders or INNER JOIN customers cu
  ON or.customer_first_name = cu.customer_first_name
  AND or.customer_last_name = cu.customer_last_name;

Now obviously, I know it is incorrect and may have multiple errors, so be gentle. I would love to know what I can do to make it work. Please advise.


  • Two things:

    • Don't use or as an alias. That's a reserved word.

    • Join by the foreign key.

    The query should look like:

    SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, cu.customer_city, 
        cu.customer_first_name, cu.customer_last_name
      FROM orders o
      INNER JOIN customers cu 
        on o.customer_id = cu.customer_id