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Angular CLI 6: background-image issue

Angular CLI 6.0.3 resolves sass code background-image: url(assert/folder1/x.png); as background-image: url(x.png); in css.

I have a lot of such places

background-image: url(assert/folder1/x.png);
background-image: url(assert/folder2/x.png);
background-image: url(assert/folder3/x.png);

But all these definitions become to be like

background-image: url(x.png);
background-image: url(x.png);
background-image: url(x.png);

It means that all classes have the same image...

How can I force Angular CLI to leave a path of an image?

UPD: the issue effects only for dev mode


  • The solution was to add "outputHashing" property with "media" value.

    /* angular.json */
      "projects": {
         "your-project": {
            "architect": {
               "build": {
                 "options": {
                    "outputHashing": "media",