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Create equal box on a picture if you know centered coordinates

What I want to do: I have a PictureBox with an image loaded in it. The user is supposed to click somewhere on the picture. After clicking, I save the coordinates where he clicked.

Then I want to create a new box as shown in the picture (NOTE: If the user clicks at the edges, it shouldn't overlap the image: enter image description here

After that, I want to save all the coordinates [starting/ending] so when the user clicks again in the next form I can validate whether the click was within the box created before.

What I got so far:

private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var centerX = ((MouseEventArgs) e).X;
    var centerY = ((MouseEventArgs) e).Y;

    // create box with center in these coordinates
    // save all the coordinates of the box, so I can check if further clicks are within the created box

My problem is Creating the box after a click knowing the center location of it. Kinda confused how it's supposed to be created.


  • Creating the box after a click knowing the center location of it. Kinda confused how it's supposed to be created.

    You can simply create a square having it's center and the width:

    Rectangle CreateSquare(Point center, int width)
        return new Rectangle(center.X - width / 2, center.Y - width / 2,
            width, width);

    To use it, it's enough to handle MouseDown event of your PictureBox and use e.Location:

    private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        var r = CreateSquare(e.Location, 10);