I am trying to use bulk_insert
to insert data into an existing table (services
) in my Postgres database. How do I instantiate this table object so I can do a bulk_insert with it?
I saw answers like this: Alembic bulk_insert to table with schema but I want to avoid redefining the schema again in the migration.
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
def upgrade():
"""Up migration."""
services = sa.MetaData().Services()
'id': 88,
'name':'Test 1',
'is_active': 'true',
'include_in_broker_fee': 'true',
'is_domestic': 'true',
'is_international': 'true'
'id': 89,
'name':'Test 2',
'is_active': 'true',
'include_in_broker_fee': 'true',
'is_domestic': 'true',
'is_international': 'true'
In order to update the table as you've shown above you'll need to define it so sqlalchemy knows what to update. Doing this with alchemy's MetaData() object is pretty straightforward, in fact you almost have it. Try something like this:
from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData
meta = MetaData(bind=op.get_bind())
services = Table('services', meta)
Now that the table is defined you can leverage alchemy's bulk update methods. For this I refer you to this bit of their documentation where they show several examples of bulk_insert_mappings() and bulk_save_objects() --- http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/faq/performance.html