I am outputting an XML document to PDF using XSL:FO (XEP).Everything works very well, except when I introduce quotation marks. For some reason, phrases with quotation marks do not 'flow'. This is best evidenced in the picture:
The source xml looks like this:
<seg>Item. Dixit quod P[etrus] Gauta loqutus est
publice Bernardo, domino del Mas, contra
ipsum testis in hunc modum <quote>Bernarde del Mas,
est ne bonum quod aliquis qui detexerit nos eat vivus
super terram?</quote> Et propter illa verba, ipse testis cum
familia sua exivit de Manso.</seg>
<seg>Item. Dixit quod Iordanus de Quiders
dixit <quote>Nuper ipsi testis modo apparebit quis
expeditus erit citius vos qui provenistis alios in
confessione</quote>. Et abiuravit heresim et
iuravit et cetera. Testes: Arnaldus, prior Sancti
Saturnini; et magister P[etrus] de Caramag;
et frater B[ernardus], inquisitor.</seg>
The XSL:FO is quite simple. The <quote>
element is replaced with "
<xsl:template match="quote">
It is activated with a simple fo:flow
(and the rest of the text flows with zero flow problems):
<!-- content flow -->
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body" font-family="Times" font-weight="normal" font-size="10pt">
Is there a special way to handle quotation marks inline?
---- ADDED ----
This is the template that treats the <seg>
element, forcing each into a new paragraph.
<xsl:template match="seg">
<xsl:for-each select=".">
font-family="Times" font-weight="normal" line-height="12pt" line-stacking-strategy="font-height" keep-together="always"
font-size="10pt" space-before="10pt" space-after="10pt" text-align="justify" end-indent="120pt">
Thanks in advance.
Change keep-together
to keep-together.within-page
. Currently, you're forcing the fo:inline
to keep together within one line. See https://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#keep-together.
Strictly speaking, you don't even need the fo:inline
since you're not adding or changing any properties with the fo:inline
. You might also want to use 'curly quotes' (“
and ”
) to improve the appearance of your text.