- There is memory leak in my spring boot application
It was able to take 70 concurrent request at ramup of 5seconds and it works smooth on my local machine
When I did deploy the same application on OSE it created out of memory issue
I was trying to connect java profiling tools to remote OPENSHIFT java pods?
Is there any procedure to collect the heap dump or connect profile tool(jvisualvm) to ose pod?
There are manual ways of collecting the ThreadDump & HeapDump in out of memory situations
- oc get pods - > List Pods
- oc rsh pod -> Remote shell to pod
- "jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap_dump1.hprof 1" -> Running the JMAP command to collect the heap dump
- "jcmd 1 Thread.print > threaddump.txt" -> Running jcmd to collect the thread dump
- oc volume dc/yourApp --add --claim-size 512M --mount-path --name downloads -> Creating the persistent volumes
After connecting the pods manually, explicitly execute the commands on the ose terminal 3 & 4
Till the application reaches the OOM & because of dump on the persistent volume logs will not be cleared
- Copy the heapDump files & threadDump files from OSE pod to Local fileSystem
after zipping them by "tar"
oc rsync