My goal is to select a square in a grid then displays the number of steps needed to reach each square in the grid assuming there are obstacles in the grid. I'm thinking of recursion but I'm not sure if it's possible. Any other ideas?
Something just like this (p.s. just disregard the blue spot):
Edit: Are the values good for the h cost in the A* algorithm?
Essentially you need to emulate graph and use appropriate graph algorithm suitable for your case.
Emulation of graph is rather simple - vertex A,B exists if squares are adjucent and neither of them is obstacle. Enumerating vertexes connected to point (x, y) is simple - check bounds for (x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1) and check if they are not obstacles.
So, if you have no weights, you can use mentioned Breadth-first search
Also you can use Dijkstra's algorithm, even though it's a bit slower: or A* algorithm:*_search_algorithm
At last, you can use Bellman-Ford algorithm: