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Systemverilog assertion a signal is true at least 1 occurence during the simulation

I met a problem when trying to write this assertion. I tried to assert the scenario that signal B must be true at least 1 occurrence after signal A is true.

The assertion I wrote is below:

example  : assert property(
       @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
       A |-> ##[0:$] B[->1]) else `uvm_error(....)

The problem is, if during the simulation signal B is never be true after A is true, the uvm_error is not executed. I expected it to be executed, and the simulation reports the message:

example: started at xxxxxxps not finished

It seems the assertion is not finished even the simulation reaches the end.

I looked up in google, there is a similar question: Assertion to check for the toggle (0->1) of a signal

I also tried use strong() operation, it did not help as well.

How to solve this problem?


  • Unfortunately, your solution depends on which simulator you are using. I tried four and got different behaviours on each.

    I think your solution is this:

      example3  : assert property(
           @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
        A |-> s_eventually B)
          $error("%t - Assertion example3 failed", $time);

    based on it working on two simulators and my understanding of SVA. On one simulator the $error statement in the action block actually gets executed and the message "Assertion example3 failed" is displayed; in another a generic error message is displayed.

    The s_ stands for "strong". The assertion means that B must occur sometime before the end of the simulation.

    Here is an MCVE. Your question would have been easier to answer had you included something like this.

    module M;
      bit stop;  bit clk; initial while (!stop) #5 clk = ~clk;
      bit A, B;
      initial begin
        #20 A = 1;
        #10 A = 0;
        // #10 B = 1;
        #10 B = 0;
        #50 stop = 1;
      example1  : assert property(
           @(posedge clk)
        A |-> B[->1]) 
          $error("%t - Assertion example1 failed", $time);
      example2  : assert property(
           @(posedge clk)
        A |-> eventually [0:7] B)
          $error("%t - Assertion example2 failed", $time);
      example3  : assert property(
           @(posedge clk)
        A |-> s_eventually B)
          $error("%t - Assertion example3 failed", $time);