I have a requirement to call a parameter based on user input for another parameter. In short,
I have a parameter for build_type with choice values Daily, Release and Snapshot. Only whenever user selects Snapshot option for build_type, it should prompt user to enter snapshot name.
Do we have any plugin for this ?
Thanks, Ras.
Give this a try https://wiki.jenkins.io/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=74875956
Its straight forward you can also try this https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Extended+Choice+Parameter+plugin
It does work, you just have to do a bit of groovy scripting :)
First you need to select Active Choice Parameter
Then select Active Choice Reactive reference Parameter
Groovy script
inputBox="<input name='Snapshot' type='text' >"
I'll leave the beautification/formatting to you :)