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GTM Not Writing to Page With Custom HTML Tag

I'm trying to implement schema markup on my site using Custom HTML tags in Google Tag Manager. When I preview my changes, it works perfectly. However, when I push the tag live, it does not appear on my page.

I've had a similar issue with tags in preview appearing differently than in live. But when I tried looking into it, it I couldn't find an answer on why that would happen.

So I'm wondering if you have any insights into why this tag works in preview, but does not work live?




  • I figured it out. We had an X-XSS-Protection header set to 1;mode=block which was limiting Google Analytics from injecting scripts that could be considered an XSS attack.

    This could have also happened with an incorrectly configured Content-Security-Policy.

    The correct way to set up a Content-Security-Policy that allows Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to inject scripts is outlined in this Lunametrics article (take note of Simo Ahava's comment after the post).