I'm creating an application and I want to create a label which when clicked, will open an "openFileDialog", the user will select a .jpg or .png image, and then this selected image will be copied to a predefined directory (specific folder).
For now, I have a separate label-button which when clicked, opens an "openFileDialog" and the selected picture is then shown in a pictureBox. What I do not know, is how to grab this selected picture, and copy it in the predfined directory.
I would also like to somehow rename it when copying it to the directory, so I can later short the pictures by date added and display them through another label-button.
Here is the code I have, for the very first button:
private void addlabel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Image File;
OpenFileDialog f = new OpenFileDialog();
f.Filter = "Image files (*.jpg, *.png) | *.jpg; *.png";
if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
File = Image.FromFile(f.FileName);
pictureBox3.Image = File;
Thanks in advance!
pictureBox3.Image.Save(specific_folder + "\\" + f.SafeFileName);
as follow:
private void addlabel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Image File;
OpenFileDialog f = new OpenFileDialog();
f.Filter = "Image files (*.jpg, *.png) | *.jpg; *.png";
if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
File = Image.FromFile(f.FileName);
pictureBox3.Image = File;
pictureBox3.Image.Save(specific_folder + "\\" + f.SafeFileName);