I'm using Grails 3.3 and GORM CriteriaBuilder for most of my querying these days but I am stuck on how to call functions on properties - for example, calling the hour() function on a Date property. If I were using where DetachedCriteria I could have something like this:
def whereQuery = Student.where {
hour(registration) = 15
to find all students who registered between 15:00 and 15:59.
However, if I use a CriteriaBuilder instead, I cannot do this:
def c = Student.createCriteria()
def results = c.list {
eq 'hour(registration)', 15
Is there some way to accomplish this in the builder DSL? I know I can go back to the domain class and define a mapping that extracts the hour from the date field but that seems kind of clumsy.
Give the sqlRestriction
a try:
def results = Student.withCriteria {
sqlRestriction 'hour(registration) = 15'
See 7.5.6. Using SQL Restrictions
in http://gorm.grails.org/latest/hibernate/manual/index.html#criteria