Lets say for my question we have this table:
Actor1 Actor2 Movies
stef bill a
bill stef b
nick nick c
stef stef d
nick bill e
bill nick f
and we want to find the actors that played a movie and I give the name of the actors from the keyboard(input1,input2). Obviously if the input was one actor we would have something like this:
sql_query='select Actor1,Actor2 from movies where Actor1= {}'.format(input1)
But when i have two inputs what should I do?
Use two placeholders in the query. You should also let cursor.execute()
perform the placeholder substitution, as it uses a prepared statement, rather than string formatting, which is open to SQL-injection (you also forgot the quotes around {}
, so you would have gotten an error).
sql_query = 'select Actor1,Actor2 from movies where (Actor1= %s AND Actor2 = %s) OR (Actor1 = %s AND Actor2 = %s)'
cursor.execute(sql_query, (input1, input2, input2, input1))