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The longer i wait to shoot the further the arrow appears in the screen (javascript)

So i'm making this simple game for school where i need to shoot arrows from a bow in a somewhat realistic way, this is the code for shooting the arrows and displaying the bow. For some reason the longer i wait to click the mouse to shoot the further the arrow appears from the bow. I just can't figure out what's wrong.

// Player Vars
	var arrows = new Array();
	var angles = new Array();
	var xBow = 0, yBow = 0;
	var loaded = false;
	var timeload = 0;
	var BowC, BowR;
	var xBowW, yBowH;
	var shoot = false;
	var angleBow;
	var vel;
	var acel = 0.1;

function drawThatBow(){
	angleBow = Math.atan2(yRato-yBow-bow.height/2, xRato-xBow);;
	ctx.translate( xBow, yBow + bow.height/2 );
	ctx.rotate( angleBow );
	ctx.translate( 0, -bow.height/2 );
	ctx.drawImage(bow, BowC * xBowW, BowR, xBowW, yBowH, 0, 0, xBowW, yBowH);

function Play() {
	if (mouseIsDown) {
		shoot = true;
	} else if (mouseIsUp && shoot) {
		shoot = false;

function SpawnArrow(){
	arrows.push( {x: xBow, y: yBow, imagem: arrow, angle: angleBow, timer: 0} );

function DrawArrows() {
	vel = 10;
	for (var i = 0; i < arrows.length; i++) {
		ctx.translate( x, y );
		ctx.rotate( arrows[i].angle );
		ctx.translate( 0, -arrows[i].height/2 );
		ctx.drawImage(arrows[i].imagem, 0, 0);
		var x = arrows[i].x + vel * Math.cos(-(arrows[i].angle)) * arrows[i].timer;
		var y = arrows[i].y + bow.height/2 - vel * Math.sin(-(arrows[i].angle)) * arrows[i].timer + acel / 2 * arrows[i].timer * arrows[i].timer;
		if (arrows[i].x > larg || arrows[i].y > alt) {
			arrows.splice(arrows[i], 1);


  • Ok never mind i got it. i had to declare the variables x and y outside the function after that it worked fine i also moved it up a bit:

    for (var i = 0; i < arrows.length; i++) {
        x = arrows[i].x + vel * Math.cos(-(arrows[i].angle)) * arrows[i].timer;
        y = arrows[i].y + bow.height/2 - vel * Math.sin(-(arrows[i].angle)) * arrows[i].timer + acel / 2 * arrows[i].timer * arrows[i].timer;
        ctx.translate( x, y );
        ctx.rotate( arrows[i].angle );
        ctx.translate( 0, -arrows[i].height/2 );
        ctx.drawImage(arrows[i].imagem, 0, 0);
        if (arrows[i].x > larg || arrows[i].y > alt) {
            arrows.splice(arrows[i], 1);