For an installer i need a specific delete function. In case i have a txt-file where i have all Folders where i need to delete.
The txt File is Build up in this way:
I have around 10 of this lines.
The main Problem is that when i print out the Information where i get from
the ${LineRead} - Function is not the Line like above its a number like in my test case 30.
Maybe i have a mistake in my code:
!include "${NSISDIR}\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
!include "myLogger.nsh" ;
Var i
Function removeFolder
IntOp $i $i * 0
${ForEach} $i 0 $lineCount + 1
${LineRead} "$TEMP\addonInstallerPreFolder\addons\postponeLog.txt" "$i - $i" $0
!insertmacro LOGGER_WRITE "DEBUG Text $0" "0"
${StrContains} $0 "Success" $1
${if} $1 == "Success"
Push "Success"
Push "Failed"
Push $0
Call Slice
Pop $R0
${if} $revertAfter == "true"
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\addons\backup_$R0\*" "$INSTDIR\addons\$R0"
!insertmacro LOGGER_WRITE "Revert Backupfolder to AddonFolder $R0" "0"
!insertmacro LOGGER_WRITE "Removed Backup folder of $R0" "0"
Delete "$INSTDIR\addons\backup_$R0"
i hope you can help to finde the resolve that i get only a digit and not a text
@Cris Looking at your code
${LineRead} "$TEMP\addonInstallerPreFolder\addons\postponeLog.txt" "$i - $i" $0
First: The third variable "[LineNumber]" should be a single digit. It looks like you have the variable $i - $i. I believe you just need "$i".
Second: The fourth variable in the documentation LineRead function shows using $R0. It looks like you are using $0 for the function, and using $0 in some areas of your code, but using $R0 in other areas.