I'm experimenting with the outstanding ggraph library to depict some really-hard to depict interrelationships for a scientific work. Specifically, I want to show SNP-SNP interactions in a genetic locus. It would be very nice if I plotted the interactions as curved nodes of a graph, where the SNPs are positioned in a linear fashion according to their genetic positions. The geom_edge_arc() aesthetics from the ggraph library would be ideal. However, I cannot put the nodes in an order according to the positions.
Here is an example
nodes <- tibble(nodes = paste("SNP",seq(1:10)), pos = sample(c(10000:20000),10))
edges <- expand.grid(nodes$nodes,nodes$nodes) %>%
mutate(interaction = rnorm(100)) %>%
gr <- graph_from_data_frame(edges, vertices = nodes)
ggraph(gr, 'linear', circular=F) +
The nodes are evenly spaced here, as "factors". However, I wanted to place them on the x coordinate as specified by the pos
variable (which in turn becomes an attribute of the nodes). Adding + geom_node_point(aes(x=pos))
to the ggplot object doesn't result in a correct rendering. I could probably do the plot with "basic" ipgraph too, but I like ggraph and ggplot2, and it would be an elegant and easy way to plot with this.
Kind regards, and thanks in advance,
Not sure if this is still relevant, but there are two ways to solve this.
As noted by @axeman, you can use the manual
layout, and basically pass the x
and y
coordinates to it:
layout = 'manual',
node.position = data_frame(y = rep(0, length(nodes$pos)), x = nodes$pos)) +
The othe way is to overrride the x
aes inside geom_edge_arc
. To be able to pass a node attribute to an aes
we need to use geom_edge_arc2
ggraph(gr, 'linear', circular=F) +
geom_edge_arc2(aes(edge_width=interaction, x = node.pos))
Created on 2018-05-30 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).