I'm using detox on a hybrid app. I'd like to use by.id in native code
Currently I'm logging in like this:
try {
// 'Email address' is the input's placeholder text
await waitFor(element(by.text('Email address')).atIndex(0))
await expect(element(by.label('Email address')).atIndex(0)).toBeVisible();
await element(by.label('Email address')).atIndex(0).typeText(config[email].email);
} catch (err) {
// Email addresses get cached, so you won't find the text 'Email address' after the first login
} finally {
await element(by.label('Password')).atIndex(0).typeText(devConfig[email].password);
await element(by.label('Sign in')).atIndex(0).tap();
I want to do something like this.
await element(by.id('email')).typeText(devConfig[email].password);
await element(by.id('password')).typeText(devConfig[email].password);
await element(by.id('login')).tap();
How can I add ids to native ios inputs?
is mapped on iOS to accessibilityIdentifier
. So if you set that to the desired value, you will be able to match it using by.id()