In our application , we have a scenario where we click on a link and after clicking a new tab opens with a dynamically generated PDF.
The generated PDF
opens in new tab with "about:blank"
as the URL.
To verify the content of the PDF i am not able to use below code since there is no specific URL
URL TestURL = new URL("url");
BufferedInputStream TestFile = new BufferedInputStream(TestURL.openStream());
PDFParser TestPDF = new PDFParser(TestFile);
String TestText = new PDFTextStripper().getText(TestPDF.getPDDocument());
I don't have option to download the generated PDF as well.
Is there any way we can solve this ?? Thank you in advance.
Try using Actions class to select all the content using "CTRL+A" then copy ("CTRL+C") and then paste it somewhere you can extract the text and verify.