having previously used the very helpful pg-promise library in my express app, I now need to convert to SQL Server.
The most similar library I can find to achieve a similar outcome is the express4-tedious package. I can make this work for simple queries, however, I can't figure out how to manipulate the returned json prior to returning the result.
app.get('/heatmapData', function(req, res) {
, metricname
, metricval as value
, backgroundcolor as fill
, suggestedtextcolor as color
, heatmapname
heatmapdata a
heatmapcolors b
a.heatmapset = heatmapname and a.heatmapnumber=b."Order"
.then(function(data) {
let bob = {}
data.map(item => {
if (bob[item.metricname] === undefined) {
bob[item.metricname] = {};
bob[item.metricname][item.id] = {
fill: item.fill,
color: item.color,
value: item.Value
bob[item.metricname].heatmapname = item.heatmapname;
When converting this to SQL server, I can use FOR JSON PATH, to return a nice javascript object, however, in express4-tedious, I have the following syntax:
req.sql('that previous big sql statement...').done(
console.log('this is meant to manipulate the data');
return data
However, this isn't quite returning the result I expect. Any pointers in the right direction would be super helpful!
So after spending another few hours in the 'learning zone', I've used the higher level mssql instead of express4-tedious. This was a suprisingly difficult recommendation to find, but this library is somewhat closer in function to the pg-promise library, although the connection setup seems significantly harder.
const sql = require('mssql');
var sqlconfig = require('./config.js'); //this is where the connection details are
const config = sqlconfig.config;
app.get('/myQueryData', function(req,res){
new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect().then(pool => {
return pool.request()
SELECT myQuery.* FROM myTables
let bob={}
if (bob[item.metricname]=== undefined) {
bob[item.metricname][item.id]={fill:item.fill, color:item.color, value:item.Value};
bob[item.metricname].heatmapname = item.heatmapname;
res.status(200).json(bob); sql.close();
.catch(err => {
sql.on('error', err => {