My MongoDB query isn't filtering by $ne on the FeathersJS client plugin. Location/$near is working.
query: {
location: {
$near: {
$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [user.location.coordinates[0], user.location.coordinates[1]]},
$minDistance: 0,
$maxDistance: 20000
_id: {
$ne: user._id
profileSetup: true
Normally in Mongo to compare ObjectIDs you need to wrap your value (user._id
) with ObjectId
, importing it from Mongo.
const ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID
query: {
location: {
//... geo query here
_id: {
$ne: ObjectID(user._id)
profileSetup: true
The reason is that an objectId is not a string internally, I guess. :)