I'm writing a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and sadly the API reference seems to be a bit lacking for the whole plugin system (aside from a few very useful tutorials on the JetBrains site.) This plugin is for a custom language which associates to specific file types and the parser API is manageable along with the file associations and templating systems, but what I can't figure out seems like it should be a really easy issue to resolve in contrast to those.
I'd like to create a hotkey which when used in the editor (no menu items or toolbar icons, just a keyboard combination) which will insert a unicode character, or alternatively if there is an active selection, will wrap the selected text in a pair of unicode characters.
E.g. something to catch ALT_SHIFT+[
in my file type and if there is no selection it would insert the character ⦓
in the current caret position, if there is a selection then it would wrap that selection in ⦓
... ⦔
This seems feasible since .java
files actually use the ALT+SHIFT+[
combination to change the selection in IntelliJ whereas my custom filetype currently just ignores it.
The custom file type inherits from LanguageFileType
in the com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes
Adding the code that resulted from this in case anyone else comes across this question:
HotkeyAction (needs to be registered in plugin.xml)
public class HotkeyAction extends AnAction {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance("Aquae");
private ArrayList<HotkeyHandler> hotkeyHandlers;
public HotkeyAction() {
this.hotkeyHandlers = new ArrayList<HotkeyHandler>();
"{", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, SHIFT_MASK, false),
"}", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⧼", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⧽", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⦓", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⦔", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⦃", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⦄", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"(", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_9, SHIFT_MASK, false),
")", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_0, SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⦗", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_9, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⦘", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_0, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⦅", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_9, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⦆", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_0, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⸨", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_9, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⸩", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_0, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"[", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, 0, false),
"]", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, 0, false));
"⁅", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK, false),
"⁆", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK, false));
"【", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, ALT_MASK, false),
"】", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, ALT_MASK, false));
"〚", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_OPEN_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK, false),
"〛", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK, false));
"<", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_COMMA, SHIFT_MASK, false),
">", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_PERIOD, SHIFT_MASK, false));
"᚜", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_COMMA, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"᚛", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_PERIOD, CTRL_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⦑", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_COMMA, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⦒", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_PERIOD, ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
"⟪", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_COMMA, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false),
"⟫", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_PERIOD, CTRL_MASK | ALT_MASK | SHIFT_MASK, false));
HotkeyAction(ArrayList<HotkeyHandler> keyStrokes) {
this.hotkeyHandlers = new ArrayList<HotkeyHandler>();
public void AddBracketShortcut(boolean completeWithoutSelection, String open, KeyStroke openKeyStroke, String close, KeyStroke closeKeyStroke) {
HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler handler = new HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler(completeWithoutSelection, open, openKeyStroke, close, closeKeyStroke);
KeymapManager.getInstance().getActiveKeymap().addShortcut("org.aquae.slip.HotkeyAction", handler.getOpenShortcut());
KeymapManager.getInstance().getActiveKeymap().addShortcut("org.aquae.slip.HotkeyAction", handler.getCloseShortcut());
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent anActionEvent) {
String s = "";
InputEvent inputEvent = anActionEvent.getInputEvent();
boolean hit = false;
Project project = anActionEvent.getProject();
if (inputEvent instanceof KeyEvent) {
KeyEvent keyEvent = (KeyEvent) inputEvent;
int mask = 0;
s = String.valueOf(keyEvent.getKeyChar());
if (inputEvent.isShiftDown()) {
s = "SHIFT" + (s.length() > 0 ? " + " + s : "");
if (inputEvent.isAltDown()) {
s = "ALT" + (s.length() > 0 ? " + " + s : "");
mask |= ALT_DOWN_MASK;
if (inputEvent.isControlDown()) {
s = "CTRL" + (s.length() > 0 ? " + " + s : "");
logger.warn("KeyCode = " + keyEvent.getKeyCode());
logger.warn("Modifiers = " + keyEvent.getModifiers());
for (HotkeyHandler hotkeyHandler : this.hotkeyHandlers) {
if (hotkeyHandler.match(anActionEvent)) {
hit = true;
if (hotkeyHandler instanceof HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler) {
HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler hotkeyBracketInsertionHandler = (HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler) hotkeyHandler;
logger.warn(hotkeyBracketInsertionHandler.getOpen() + "x" + hotkeyBracketInsertionHandler.getClose());
WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(project, () -> { hotkeyHandler.execute(project, anActionEvent); });
if (!hit) {
public abstract class HotkeyHandler {
protected ArrayList<KeyStroke> _keyStrokes;
protected ArrayList<Shortcut> _shortcuts;
public HotkeyHandler(ArrayList<KeyStroke> keyStrokes) {
this._keyStrokes = keyStrokes;
this._shortcuts = new ArrayList<Shortcut>();
for (KeyStroke keyStroke : keyStrokes) {
this._shortcuts.add(new KeyboardShortcut(keyStroke, null));
abstract void execute(Project project, AnActionEvent anActionEvent);
public boolean indifferentMatch(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) {
KeyStroke keyStroke = this._keyStrokes.get(i);
if (keyStroke.getKeyCode() == keyEvent.getKeyCode()) {
int modifiers = keyEvent.getModifiers();
if ((keyStroke.getModifiers() & (CTRL_MASK | CTRL_DOWN_MASK)) > 0) {
if ((modifiers & (CTRL_MASK | CTRL_DOWN_MASK)) < 1) { return (false); }
if ((modifiers & CTRL_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= CTRL_MASK; }
if ((modifiers & CTRL_DOWN_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= CTRL_DOWN_MASK; }
if ((keyStroke.getModifiers() & (ALT_MASK | ALT_DOWN_MASK)) > 0) {
if ((modifiers & (ALT_MASK | ALT_DOWN_MASK)) < 1) { return (false); }
if ((modifiers & ALT_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= ALT_MASK; }
if ((modifiers & ALT_DOWN_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= ALT_DOWN_MASK; }
if ((keyStroke.getModifiers() & (SHIFT_MASK | SHIFT_DOWN_MASK)) > 0) {
if ((modifiers & (SHIFT_MASK | SHIFT_DOWN_MASK)) < 1) { return (false); }
if ((modifiers & SHIFT_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= SHIFT_MASK; }
if ((modifiers & SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) > 0) { modifiers -= SHIFT_DOWN_MASK; }
if (modifiers < 1) { return (true); }
return (false);
public boolean match(AnActionEvent anActionEvent) {
InputEvent inputEvent = anActionEvent.getInputEvent();
if (!(inputEvent instanceof KeyEvent)) { return (false); }
KeyEvent keyEvent = (KeyEvent) inputEvent;
for (int i = this._keyStrokes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.indifferentMatch(i, keyEvent)) { return (true); }
return (false);
public KeyStroke getKeyStroke(int i) { return (this._keyStrokes.get(i)); }
public ArrayList<KeyStroke> getKeyStrokes() { return (this._keyStrokes); }
public Shortcut getShortcut(int i) { return (this._shortcuts.get(i)); }
public ArrayList<Shortcut> getShortcuts() { return (this._shortcuts); }
public class HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler extends HotkeyHandler {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance("Aquae");
private boolean _completeWithoutSelection;
private String _open;
private String _close;
public HotkeyBracketInsertionHandler(boolean completeWithoutSelection, String open, KeyStroke openKeyStroke, String close, KeyStroke closeKeyStroke) {
super(new ArrayList<KeyStroke>() {{
this._completeWithoutSelection = completeWithoutSelection;
this._open = open;
this._close = close;
void execute(Project project, AnActionEvent anActionEvent) {
InputEvent inputEvent = anActionEvent.getInputEvent();
if (!(inputEvent instanceof KeyEvent)) { return; }
KeyEvent keyEvent = (KeyEvent) inputEvent;
FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project);
Editor textEditor = fileEditorManager.getSelectedTextEditor();
final Document document = textEditor.getDocument();
final CaretModel caretModel = textEditor.getCaretModel();
final int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset();
if (caretOffset < 0) { return; }
final SelectionModel selectionModel = textEditor.getSelectionModel();
boolean rev = (caretOffset == selectionModel.getSelectionStart()) && (caretOffset != selectionModel.getSelectionEnd());
boolean opening = this.indifferentMatch(0, keyEvent);
if (opening) {
if (this._completeWithoutSelection || selectionModel.hasSelection()) {
document.insertString(selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(), this._close);
document.insertString(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), this._open);
caretModel.moveToOffset((rev ? selectionModel.getSelectionStart() : selectionModel.getSelectionEnd()) + (!selectionModel.hasSelection() ? this._open.length() : 0));
selectionModel.setSelection(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), selectionModel.getSelectionEnd());
} else {
document.insertString(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), this._open);
caretModel.moveToOffset(selectionModel.getSelectionEnd() + this._open.length());
} else {
if (this._close.length() < 1) { return; }
if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) {
document.insertString(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), this._close);
document.deleteString(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), selectionModel.getSelectionEnd());
caretModel.moveToOffset(rev ? selectionModel.getSelectionStart() : selectionModel.getSelectionEnd());
selectionModel.setSelection(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), selectionModel.getSelectionEnd());
} else {
document.insertString(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), this._close);
caretModel.moveToOffset(selectionModel.getSelectionEnd() + this._close.length());
public String getClose() { return (this._close); }
public KeyStroke getCloseKeyStroke() { return (this._keyStrokes.get(1)); }
public Shortcut getCloseShortcut() { return (this._shortcuts.get(1)); }
public String getOpen() { return (this._open); }
public KeyStroke getOpenKeyStroke() { return (this._keyStrokes.get(0)); }
public Shortcut getOpenShortcut() { return (this._shortcuts.get(0)); }
HotkeyPromoter (needs to be registered in plugin.xml)
public class HotkeyPromoter implements ActionPromoter {
public List<AnAction> promote(List<AnAction> actions, DataContext dataContext) {
AnAction action = ContainerUtil.findInstance(actions, HotkeyAction.class);
return (action != null ? Collections.singletonList(action) : Collections.emptyList());
You need to implement an 'action' which will perform corresponding changes - see this guide for a start, and also this section. As your action will operate in editor, it makes sense to use EditorAction as a base for your action class (then also you'll need to implement EditorActionHandler, which will perform actual logic).