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boost::shared_?? for non-pointer resources

Basically i need to do reference counting on certain resources (like an integer index) that are not inmediately equivalent to a pointer/address semantic; basically i need to pass around the resource around, and call certain custom function when the count reaches zero. Also the way to read/write access to the resource is not a simple pointer derreference operation but something more complex. I don't think boost::shared_ptr will fit the bill here, but maybe i'm missing some other boost equivalent class i might use?

example of what i need to do:

struct NonPointerResource
   NonPointerResource(int a) : rec(a) {} 

   int rec;

int createResource ()
   data BasicResource("get/resource");
   boost::shared_resource< MonPointerResource > r( BasicResource.getId() , 
    boost::function< BasicResource::RemoveId >() );
   TypicalUsage( r );
//when r goes out of scope, it will call BasicResource::RemoveId( NonPointerResource& ) or something similar

int TypicalUsage( boost::shared_resource< NonPointerResource > r )
   data* d = access_object( r );
   // do something with d


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