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Fibonacci memoization order of execution

The following code is fibonacci sequence using memoization. But I do not understand the order of execution in the algorithm. If we do dynamic_fib(4), it will calculate dynamic_fib(3) + dynamic_fib(2). And left side calls first, then it calculates dynamic_fib(2) + dynamic_fib(1). But while calculating dynamic_fib(3), how does the cached answer of dynamic_fib(2) propagate up to be reused when we are not saving the result to the memory address of the dictionary like &dic[n] in C.

What I think should happen is, the answer for dynamic_fib(2) is gone because it only existed in that stack. So you have to calculate dynamic_fib(2) again when calculating dynamic_fib(4)

Am I missing something?

def dynamic_fib(n):
    return fibonacci(n, {})

def fibonacci(n, dic):
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return n

    if not dic.get(n, False):
        dic[n] = fibonacci(n-1, dic) + fibonacci(n-2, dic)

    return dic[n]


  • The function dynamic_fib (called once) just delegates the work to fibonacci, where the real work is done. In fibonacci you have the dictionary dic which is used to save the values of the function once it is calculated. So, for each of the values (2-n) when you call the function fibonacci for the first time, it calculates the result, but it also stores it in the dictionary, so that when the next time we ask for it, we alread have it, and we don't need to travel the whole tree again. So the complexity is linear , O(n).