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Testflight installing issue

My client trying to install app using TestFlight it is showing Couldn't Load App (TestFlight couldn't connect to itunes to itunes connect. Try again later.)enter image description here


  • I have read lots of blogs and post regarding this issue. And tried many things like :

    • remove build and upload build again.
    • remove TestFlight testers and add them again.
    • un-install TestFlight and re-install again.
    • Restarting the iPad. And Resetting all settings on the iPad (factory defaults).

    But issue was still there. Then finally I have asked to my client, What is iOS version in his iPad? Actually he was use 11.2.6. Then I have told him to update iOS in iPad to 11.3 because I have set 11.3 in project's Deployment Target.

    And finally issue have been resolved.

    I hope this will help to others.