I have a development environment in windows where I can access the spring build in both IP Address and Hostname(PC-Name) for my Eureka Config Server / Client. When I move it to the RedHat environment it does not recognize the URL if it is a hostname.
My main goal is to change the eureka client status page to point to the hysterix monitor for the eureka client's hysterix stream. The value of ${spring.cloud.client.hostname} resolves to the hostname. I was wondering what is the way to make it the current IP of the eureka client?
To be exact here is an example of what I want am trying to do.
preferIPAddress: true
statusPageUrlPath: http://${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${eureka.cloud.config.port}/hystrix/monitor?stream=http%3A%2F%2F${spring.cloud.client.hostname}%3A${server.port}%2Factuator%2Fhystrix.stream
It just so happen that the client and the server are both in the same machine so I am contented in using the client hostname for both the Eureka Config Server path and the Eureka Client hystrix stream.
Note that I already set the preferIPAddress to true but the generated hostname is still the value of "/etc/hostname". I saw some solution that explicitly specifies the IP Address in the Eureka Client Instance. But I prefer to make it dynamic so that the same code can run smoothly on either Development and Deploy environment.
What can I do so that the hostname can also be recognized the same as the ip address?
The answer has dawn upon me just now. I just changed the following to this.
I was thrown to a wrong conclusion because other sites would tell me to use this configuration ${spring.cloud.client.ipAddress} which does not work.
Probably there was a change in Finchley / Spring boot 2.0 version. If anyone can give me a link to a documentation or discussion describing the configuration change, it would be helpful.