Is there a built-in way of doing in memory caching in Scala like a MemoryCache class that can be used without any additional dependencies for a simple LRU cache with a size limit? I've found many possibilities but they all require external dependencies.
There's nothing in the Standard Library built specifically for memory caching but it's easy enough to roll your own.
// memoize this function (arity 1)
def memo1[A,R](f: A=>R): (A=>R) =
new collection.mutable.WeakHashMap[A,R] {
override def apply(a: A) = getOrElseUpdate(a,f(a))
The reason for using WeakHashMap
is that it is designed to drop (forget) seldom-accessed elements in a memory-challenged environment.
So this can be used to cache (memoize) existing methods/functions...
def s2l(s :String) :Long = ???
val s2lM = memo1(s2l) //memoize this String=>Long method
val bigNum :Long = s2lM(inputString) //common inputs won't be recalculated
...or you can define the function logic directly.
//memoized Long-to-Double calculation
val l2dM = memo1{ n:Long =>
//Long=>Double code goes here
For functions with larger arity, use a tuple as the Map
def memo3[A,B,C,R](f :(A,B,C)=>R) :(A,B,C)=>R = {
val cache = new collection.mutable.WeakHashMap[(A,B,C),R]
(a:A,b:B,c:C) => cache.getOrElseUpdate((a,b,c), f(a,b,c))