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recurly - finding accounts

I want to know how can I search for a particular account in my recurly system? I am using the latest python recurly module, 2.8.3... but I see no recurly method for searching/finding an account. I at first thought I could do:

import recurly

# {set key, subdomain, and default currency params here.}

userAccount = recurly.Account(account_code="acc code")

but this doesn't do anything, it just creates an empty recurly account object.

Is there a search or find method for accounts?

I am blind, and unfortunately makes my web browser choke and often times it brings my computer to a huge lag, or locks up completely. and my pc is no slouch in the cpu/ram department. So I am having a difficult time reading the various python examples. I wish there was just a document for recurly via the python module.

Thanks in advance...


  • The recurly example from their site is:

      account = recurly.Account.get('1')
      print "Account: %s" % account
    except NotFoundError:
      print "Account not found.\n"

    So you just missed the .get