I would like to capture the output of an sqlcmd !! (operating system command) call into a variable that I can use in an insert statement. Or, just read the contents of a file into a variable.
The general idea is something like this:
:SETVAR version !! "type version.txt"
insert into dbo.DeployVersion ([Version],[Date],[User]) values ('$(version)',getdate(),'$(SQLCMDUSER)')
But it doesn't seem that I can chain SQLCMD calls in that way. Any ideas?
type version.txt
just prints the content of version.txt file to the console, like cat
in linux.
The best I could find was this approach, which seemed really silly.
:setvar quot "'"
declare @versionString nvarchar(300)
set @versionString =
:r .\version.txt
insert into dbo.DeployVersion ([Version],[Date],[User]) values ('$(version)',getdate(),'xyz')
This works in purely SQLCMD and is an answer to the original question.
However, this is being used in an sqlpackage deploy and I don't see a way to externally reference a version.txt file from outside of the dacpac. So instead I added a variable to the dacpac project and I specify that value on the commandline using sqlpackage ... /Variables:Version=%someValueReadFromBatFile%