I am trying to start a Eureka server with basic configuration, but the dashboard will not load. Instead, below XML is being returned.
Please find the below code.
In application.yml file
environment: qa
fetch-registry: false
register-with-eureka: false
enabled: true
name: eureka-server
port: 8761
Main class:
public class MygynecologistEurekaServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MygynecologistEurekaServerApplication.class, args);
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
A similar question was asked here, but it was resolved. Thanks for reading.
UPDATE: with the same code I was able to load the eureka dashboard in a windows machine(windows 8.1) . But it doesn't work in my macbook pro. Should we have to add any extra settings for mac?
I finally found a solution. The issue has got something to do with the versions I used. I made the following changes to fix it