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Perl: XML Twig insert data

I have a settings.xml file as

<settings xmlns=""


As seen, there is no proxy data. I would like to add data using Perl:Twig. I cannot use other CPAN modules, as the perl distribution is not maintained by me.

I have read the perl doc on twig, but I am confused on the insert process. I have also read this perl link, this SO link where comparison/copy of XML is used (not relevant here because I am not not comparing). Also I read SO twig child adding, but I think I want to create a tag. ThisSo link explains how to use XML::DOM, but I am limited to Perl:Twig, and lastly this SO on XML:Simple, but again I am limited to Perl:Twig, plus perldoc states do not use XML:Simple.

My current code looks similar to

my $t = XML::Twig->new(
    twig_roots   => { proxy => 1 },
    pretty_print => 'indented',
)->parsefile( $maven_Dir . "/" . $settings_File );

if ( !$t->root->children('proxy') ) {
        "In your settings.xml located in your .m2 folder, 
         there appears to be no proxy settings \n"
    print("Adding Jlab proxy settings \n");
    my $cp = $t->root->children('settings');

#       $cp->first_child('proxy');
#       $cp->paste( 'last_child', $t->root );

else {

    foreach my $proxy ( $t->root->children('proxy') ) {
        my $port     = $proxy->first_child_text('port');
        my $host     = $proxy->first_child_text('host');
        my $protocol = $proxy->first_child_text('protocol');
        my $active   = $proxy->first_child_text('active');

        if (   $port == 1492
            && $host eq "jpoop"
            && $protocol eq "http"
            && $active eq "true" )
            print("Correct proxy settings are set properly for Jlab \n");
            print( "$port \n", "$host \n", "$protocol \n",
                "$active'\n \n" );



Would someone point me in the direction of adding data similar to


into an XML file using Perl:Twig?


  • XML::Twig isn't the best to edit XML, but it can be done:

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use feature qw{ say };
    use XML::Twig;
    my ($PORT, $HOST, $PROTOCOL, $ACTIVE) = (1492, 'jpoop', 'http', 'true');
    my $twig = 'XML::Twig'->new(
        pretty_print => 'indented',
    my $root = $twig->root;
    my ($proxies) = $root->children('proxies');
    if (! $proxies) {
        print STDERR
            "In your settings.xml located in your .m2 folder,
             there appears to be no proxy settings.
             Adding Jlab proxy settings \n";
        my $proxies = $root->insert_new_elt('proxies');
            . "<host>$HOST</host><port>$PORT</port></proxy>");
    } else {
        my $found;
        for my $proxy ( $proxies->children('proxy') ) {
            my $port     = $proxy->first_child_text('port');
            my $host     = $proxy->first_child_text('host');
            my $protocol = $proxy->first_child_text('protocol');
            my $active   = $proxy->first_child_text('active');
            $found = 1 if $port == $PORT
                       && $host eq $HOST
                       && $protocol eq $PROTOCOL
                       && $active eq $ACTIVE;
        if ($found) {
            print STDERR "Correct proxy settings are set properly for Jlab \n";
        } else {
            print STDERR "Correct proxy settings missing:\n",
                "port $PORT\nhost $HOST\nprotocol $PROTOCOL\nactive $ACTIVE\n";