I had scalastyle running at compilation time in my project. Since I updated from sbt 0.13 to sbt 1.0.1 I don't manage to make it work again.
I followed the documentation from here and added this to my build.sbt:
lazy val compileScalaStyle: TaskKey[Unit] = taskKey[Unit]("scalastyle")
compileScalastyle := scalastyle.in(Compile).toTask("").value,
(compile in Compile) := ((compile in Compile) dependsOn compileScalastyle).value,
But I get this error: not found: value scalastyle
Do I need an import? If yes, I didn't manage to find it.
You should not need a special import. There seems to be a typo in compileScalaStyle
. Try
lazy val compileScalastyle = taskKey[Unit]("compileScalastyle")
instead of
lazy val compileScalaStyle: TaskKey[Unit] = taskKey[Unit]("scalastyle")
Here is a working example project using Scalastyle 1.0.0 with SBT 1.0.4.