Just curious if anyone else is facing this issue with Laravel Spark where the notifications are intermittently stuck in loading and if there's a simple fix for it?
Also, I'm receiving this Stripe error in my error console whenever I attempt to subscribe on my production environment, I am using the correct test credentials in the environment file:
Uncaught Error: You did not set a valid publishable key. Call Stripe.setPublishableKey() with your publishable key. For more info, see https://stripe.com/docs/stripe.js
at Function.b.validateKey ((index):3)
at Function.b.create ((index):2)
at Function.c.createToken ((index):2)
at o.subscribe (app.js:27)
at click (eval at pa (app.js:67), <anonymous>:3:52019)
at e (app.js:67)
at HTMLButtonElement.t._withTask.t._withTask (app.js:67)
In my .env file I have (I have put x's in for the purpose of this question, the env file has the real keys):
app/services.php and app/services-stripe.php both have these settings:
'stripe' => [
'model' => App\User::class,
'key' => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),
Any assistance is appreciated, thanks guys.
I had the same situation with the notifications. Apparently there's some kind of conflict with font awesome's spinner. I removed the icon completely and it's working now. Same with invitations, when I send an invitation, the text on the button changes but the spinner never hides.