The streaming package defines a Stream
type that looks like the following:
data Stream f m r
= Step !(f (Stream f m r))
| Effect (m (Stream f m r))
| Return r
There is a comment on the Stream
type that says the following:
data type is equivalent toFreeT
and can represent any effectful succession of steps, where the form of the steps or 'commands' is specified by the first (functor) parameter.
I'm wondering how the Stream
type is equivalent to FreeT
Here is the definition of FreeT
data FreeF f a b = Pure a | Free (f b)
newtype FreeT f m a = FreeT { runFreeT :: m (FreeF f a (FreeT f m a)) }
It looks like it is not possible to create an isomorphism between these two types.
To be specific, I don't see a way to write the following two functions that makes them an isomorphism:
freeTToStream :: FreeT f m a -> Stream f m a
streamToFreeT :: Stream f m a -> FreeT f m a
For instance, I'm not sure how to express a value like Return "hello" :: Stream f m String
as a FreeT
I guess it could be done like the following, but the Pure "hello"
is necessarily going to be wrapped in an m
, while in Return "hello" :: Stream f m String
it is not:
FreeT $ pure $ Pure "hello" :: Applicative m => FreeT f m a
Can Stream
be considered equivalent to FreeT
even though it doesn't appear possible to create an isomorphism between them?
There are some small differences that make them not literally equivalent. In particular, FreeT
enforces an alternation of f
and m
FreeT f m a = m (Either a (f (FreeT f m a) = m (Either a (f (m (...))))
-- m f m -- alternating
whereas Stream
allows stuttering, e.g., we can construct the following with no Step
between two Effect
Effect (return (Effect (return (Return r))))
which should be equivalent in some sense to
Return r
Thus we shall take a quotient of Stream
by the following equations that flatten the layers of Effect
Effect (m >>= \a -> return (Effect (k a))) = Effect (m >>= k)
Effect (return x) = x
Under that quotient, the following are isomorphisms
freeT_stream :: (Functor f, Monad m) => FreeT f m a -> Stream f m a
freeT_stream (FreeT m) = Effect (m >>= \case
Pure r -> return (Return r)
Free f -> return (Step (fmap freeT_stream f))
stream_freeT :: (Functor f, Monad m) => Stream f m a -> FreeT f m a
stream_freeT = FreeT . go where
go = \case
Step f -> return (Free (fmap stream_freeT f))
Effect m -> m >>= go
Return r -> return (Pure r)
Note the go
loop to flatten multiple Effect
Pseudoproof: (freeT_stream . stream_freeT) = id
We proceed by induction on a stream x
. To be honest, I'm pulling the induction hypotheses out of thin air. There are certainly cases where induction is not applicable. It depends on what m
and f
are, and there might also be some nontrivial setup to ensure this approach makes sense for a quotient type. But there should still be many concrete m
and f
where this scheme is applicable. I hope there is some categorical interpretation that translates this pseudoproof to something meaningful.
(freeT_stream . stream_freeT) x
= freeT_stream (FreeT (go x))
= Effect (go x >>= \case
Pure r -> return (Return r)
Free f -> return (Step (fmap freeT_stream f)))
Case x = Step f
, induction hypothesis (IH) fmap (freeT_stream . stream_freeT) f = f
= Effect (return (Step (fmap freeT_stream (fmap stream_freeT f))))
= Effect (return (Step f)) -- by IH
= Step f -- by quotient
Case x = Return r
= Effect (return (Return r))
= Return r -- by quotient
Case x = Effect m
, induction hypothesis m >>= (return . freeT_stream . stream_freeT)) = m
= Effect ((m >>= go) >>= \case ...)
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> go x' >>= \case ...) -- monad law
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> return (Effect (go x' >>= \case ...))) -- by quotient
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> (return . freeT_stream . stream_freeT) x') -- by the first two equations above in reverse
= Effect m -- by IH
Converse left as an exercise.