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Generate a graph with n vertices, m edges that's uniformly random

What algorithm produces a graph with N vertices and M edges that's uniformly random in a reasonable time complexity (worst-case quasi-linear)?

The graph is undirected, with neither multi-edges nor loop edges.


    1. Generate N vertices.
    2. Then M edges.
    3. Select random vertices as source and destination.

    Since there aren't additional requirements, like automata languages, this is uniformly distributed:

    V <- {1, ..., N}
    E <- {}
    for 1 to M do
        edge <- (random(V), random(V))
    return (V, E)

    For undirected graphs without multi-edges or loops, keep generating random edges until there's a valid edge:

    V <- {1, ..., N}
    E <- {}
    for 1 to M do
            source <- random(V)
            edge <- (source, random(V \ {source}))
        until E does not contain edge
    return (V, E)

    For the destination use random(V \ source) to exclude loops (the backslash, \, is set theory notation for set exclusion, so choose V such that it is not in the source set). The E does not contain edge should not care for the direction. That is, it should consider:

    (a, b) = (b, a)

    For efficiency of the contains you should use some hashed structure when implementing.

    The problem is the repeat loop. Depending on how fast random works and how close M is to the amount of possible edges, it may take a while. You can speed this up using techniques like the Floyd-Rivest algorithm (also see Algorithm to select a single, random combination of values?).

    If M is rather small, compared to the maximal amount, it should run fast (linear in N and M) since you don't get a lot of edge collisions.

    Example implementation:

    import java.util.*;
    import static java.lang.String.format;
    public class UniformGraph {
       * If creating an edge between two random vertices takes more than this
       * many tries, skip the edge. This ensures creating the graph will terminate.
      private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;
       * Represents a line segment between point A and point B. Note that points
       * may require conversion to a coordinate system. For example, a Cartesian
       * plane with coordinates (X, Y) and a maximum X value Mx, a vertex offset
       * can be calculated using X + (Y * Mx).
       * @param a   The starting line segment point.
       * @param b   The ending line segment point.
       * @param <T> The data type representing points.
      private record Tuple<T extends Comparable<T>>( T a, T b )
        implements Comparable<Tuple<T>> {
        public String toString() {
          return format( "%s -> %s", a(), b() );
        public int compareTo( final Tuple<T> o ) {
          return a().compareTo( o.a() );
      public UniformGraph() {}
       * @param n Number of vertices in the graph.
       * @param m Number of edges in the graph.
      public Set<Tuple<Integer>> generate( final int n, final int m ) {
        assert n > 1;
        assert m > 1;
        final var mRandom = new Random();
        final var edges = new TreeSet<Tuple<Integer>>();
        for( int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) {
          var iter = 0;
          boolean conflict;
          Tuple<Integer> edge;
          do {
            final var vertex1 = mRandom.nextInt( n );
            final var vertex2 = mRandom.nextInt( n );
            edge = new Tuple<>( vertex1, vertex2 );
            conflict = edges.contains( edge ) || vertex1 == vertex2;
          while( conflict && ++iter < MAX_ITERATIONS );
          edges.add( edge );
        return edges;
      public void print( final Set<Tuple<Integer>> edges, final PrintStream out ) {
        for( final var edge : edges ) {
          out.println( edge );
      public static void main( final String[] args ) {
        final var graph = new UniformGraph();
        final var edges = graph.generate( 20, 9 );
        graph.print( edges, System.out );