I have taken a number as a raw_input and stored it in a variable port. However, I have to use this number(stored as a string) as a parameter in an "if" statement. I cannot take the number as "input" as I require that number as a string later. I tried typecasting the string to an int but it is not working. How do I use the raw_input as a number?
port = raw_input("Enter the port no:")
temp = int(port)
if (temp >> 0 or temp << 323):
I think your problem is in your comparison in your if
statment, change temp >> 0
to temp > 0
Or, what you want is a try / catch
or a try / except ValueError
like :
port = raw_input("Enter the port no:")
temp = int(port)
except ValueError:
print("That's not an int! Please provide a valid port")
if (0 < temp < 323):